Ransomware Report

You can check the latest ransomware information.

number classification title Registration date views
41 Ransomware analysis notes DVN Ransomware encrypts the extension to .devinn and demands Bitcoin. 2023-05-24 12203
40 Ransomware analysis notes AXLocker Ransomware Steals Discord Credentials 2023-05-15 12677
39 Ransomware analysis notes WIN ransomware that encrypts important files with .win 2023-05-09 12872
38 Ransomware analysis notes Zxc ransomware is infected through email attachments, shared sites, and malicious advertisements. 2023-04-24 13496
37 Ransomware analysis notes Java ransomware that changes all files to .java 2023-04-21 13849
36 Ransomware analysis notes Cylance ransomware attacks Windows and Linux operating systems 2023-04-10 13968
35 Ransomware analysis notes Eking ransomware (Phobos series), which encrypts all file data and renders it unusable. 2023-04-03 14534
34 Ransomware analysis notes iq200 ransomware, which encrypts both existing name and extension as .iq20 2023-03-20 14242
33 Ransomware analysis notes HydraCrypt ransomware that encrypts all files with .hydracrypt 2023-03-13 14760
32 Ransomware analysis notes Exx ransomware that changes all extensions to .exx, making data/files unusable 2023-02-20 15351
Everyzone White Defender Co., Ltd. | CEO: Seunggyun Hong|Business registration number: 220-81-67981
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