hello. This is White Defender.
Ransomware can be dealt with if you prevent it in advance.
White Defender is an anti-ransomware solution that can protect against ransomware in real time. thank you안녕하세요. 화이트디펜더입니다.
This is a video of White Defender responding to ransomware threats.
What is Kasper (Biobio) ransomware?
Kasper encrypts all file data, making them unusable. The infected files are appended with the attacker’s email address and extension. For example, a file called “download.jpg” will be changed to “download.jpg.EMAIL=[biobiorans@gmail.com]ID=[private key].biobio”, and “sales.xlsx” will be changed to “sales.xlsx.EMAIL=[biobiorans@gmail.com]ID=[private key].biobio”. Once this attack process is complete, a ransom note titled “biobio ransmoware.Kaspert” is created in all directories containing files.
A ransom note is a note containing instructions to follow.
to use a reliable anti-ransomware program.
Keep your security software up to date.