hello. This is White Defender.

Ransomware can be dealt with if you prevent it in advance.
White Defender is an anti-ransomware solution that can protect against ransomware in real time. thank you안녕하세요. 화이트디펜더입니다.

whitedefender video

This is a video of White Defender responding to ransomware threats.

Clop Ransomware
Registration date
Treatment method
Diagnosis/treatment is possible with WhiteDefender.
change extension
ransom note

This is the 53rd ransomware blocking test video of Global Anti-Ransomware White Defender.
This is Clop ransomware, a ransomware that caused great damage to large corporations.

Analysis Information
Ransomware Name: Clop Ransomware
Encryption Extension: .Clop
Ransom Note (Payment Information): ClopReadMe.txt
Features: Offline encryption / Blocks execution of specific processes / Excludes file encryption for specific folders.
MD5: 8752A7A052BA75239B86B0DA1D483DD7
SHA1: 6EEEF883D209D02A05AE9E6A2F37C6CBF69F4D89
SHA256: 3320F11728458D01EEF62E10E48897EC1C2277C1FE1 AA2D471A16B4DCCFC1207

Everyzone White Defender Co., Ltd. | CEO: Seunggyun Hong|Business registration number: 220-81-67981
Copyright ⓒEveryzone , Inc. All Rights Reserved.|