hello. This is White Defender.

Ransomware can be dealt with if you prevent it in advance.
White Defender is an anti-ransomware solution that can protect against ransomware in real time. thank you안녕하세요. 화이트디펜더입니다.

whitedefender video

This is a video of White Defender responding to ransomware threats.

Project ransomware
Registration date
Treatment method
Diagnosis/treatment is possible with WhiteDefender.
change extension
ransom note

What is Project ransomware?
Project ransomware encrypts all file data and makes it inaccessible. For example, a file named "photo.jpg" will be changed to "photo.jpg.projectgd", and "sales.xlsx" will be changed to "sales.xlsx.projectgd".
Once this attack process is complete, a ransom note with the title "README.TXT" will be created in all directories containing the file.
This ransom note explains how to purchase a decryption tool or contact the attackers.

A ransom note is a note containing a requirement to follow these instructions.


Ransomware name Project ransomware
Changed extension .projectgd
Ransom note (payment information file) README.txt
characteristic Demand money after encrypting all file data
MD5 77f2267d07ba4acfb95d584cc68af460
SHA-1 8f7dea153fa29481ba4976c889a9d353ffa9620f
SHA-256 c1cee2ef2fd7e8c38c0045b715b472d346940ecf9a58cdc297e23712e3d5411b
Basic protection method The most basic and effective protection method
is to use a reliable anti-ransomware program.
Keep your security software up to date.


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LostInfo ransomware
Everyzone White Defender Co., Ltd. | CEO: Seunggyun Hong|Business registration number: 220-81-67981
Copyright ⓒEveryzone , Inc. All Rights Reserved.|