hello. This is White Defender.

Ransomware can be dealt with if you prevent it in advance.
White Defender is an anti-ransomware solution that can protect against ransomware in real time. thank you안녕하세요. 화이트디펜더입니다.

whitedefender video

This is a video of White Defender responding to ransomware threats.

Good Morning Ransomware
Registration date
Treatment method
Diagnosis/treatment is possible with WhiteDefender.
change extension
File name.extension.goodmorning
ransom note

What is GoodMorning Ransomware?
The malicious code analyzed by WhiteDefender, which is researching and developing ransomware security, is GoodMorning ransomware.
GoodMorning ransomware encrypts data using the GlobeImposter series and changes file names.
For example, a file named "a.jpg" will be changed to "a.jpg.goodmorning", and "b.png" will be changed to "b.png.goodmorning".
Once this attack process is completed, the desktop wallpaper will be changed and a ransom note with the title "how_to_back_files.html" will be created.

Ransom Note Overview
If you check the ransom note, all important data has been encrypted and a payment of 1.5 BTC is required to decrypt the password. 
After purchasing Bitcoin from a trustworthy site, there are instructions to send the money to a specific BTC wallet, and a warning that if these instructions are violated, there will be financial loss and the encrypted data will be sold or disclosed to a third party.

A ransom note is a note containing a requirement to follow these instructions.


Ransomware name GoodMorning ransomware
Changed extension File name.extension.goodmorning
Ransom note (payment information file) how_to_back_files.html
characteristic Demand money after encrypting all file data
MD5 c9787298b457ea192a92a3ad87241cc0
SHA-1 c29fb65ebe6134313cb744b3d0e288bfef93163e
SHA-256 b1d5de9be399b181dc0e78fec870aac448548440e7529d8c5e1a95192733f2ed
Basic protection method The most basic and effective protection method
is to use a reliable anti-ransomware program.
Keep your security software up to date.


Everyzone White Defender Co., Ltd. | CEO: Seunggyun Hong|Business registration number: 220-81-67981
Copyright ⓒEveryzone , Inc. All Rights Reserved.|